Creamy Cashew Milk Recipe 

Our home-made cashew milk recipe is a very powerful alternative to store bought milk.  Processed foods have a ton of additives, and many times the chemical additives are not listed on the ingredients list.  We want to know exactly what's in our food so that we can control our health.  

Cashew milk is a powerful alternative to cow's milk.   A huge percentage of people around the world cannot tolerate cow's milk and are lactose intolerant.  And we definitely can't use soy milk because of the serious hormonal side effects.  So our choice is home-made, luscious cashew milk that is creamy and delicious.

Note:  You can use the same concepts with almond milk.  I love almond milk, but I had to switch to cashew milk because I'm allergic to almonds.  

Soak 3/4 cup cashews overnight in a bowl with snap-on lid.  This will extract the problematic anti-nutrients that can affect your digestion, and can even cause an allergic reaction.  Please do not skip this step.

Ingredients for Cashew Milk Recipe

  • 3/4 cup pre-soaked cashews
  • 2 tsp cashew butter
  • 4 cups bottled water
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla or almond extract
  • Tiny pinch of guar gum
  • 1/2 tsp of salt
  • Dash of Accent seasoning

Directions for Cashew Milk Recipe

  • Open your soaked cashews and drain the soak water.

  • Blend all of the ingredients above thoroughly in a blender or a food processor for about two minutes. 

  • Use a mesh strainer, like the picture below, to extract the tiny pieces of nuts that are left over. 

  • If you blend it well enough, there will be no pieces of cashews to strain.  It just depends on how long you blend it for.

The Texture is Similar to Whole Milk

The cashew butter and guar gum are what gives this cashew milk recipe a rich, creamy texture similar to whole fat cow's milk.  If you prefer a less dense texture, you can leave off the guar gum and the cashew butter, and it still tastes great.  However, it will be a much thinner consistency.

It's very important to use only a very tiny dash of guar gum.

This jug below will last for around three or four days for one person.

You Can Use This Cashew Milk Recipe for Home-Made Cereal!

I gave my brothers some of this home-made cereal with our cashew milk, and they both loved it.  One of my brothers actually offered me money to make him a batch! 

Top this cereal with a bit of coconut sugar to sweeten it.  It's the most delicious thing I've ever eaten. 

Click here for our most delicious granola cereal recipe!

We Can Do Anything They Can do Better!

Milk and cereal products are a billion dollar industry.  When you make your milk and cereal yourself, you hold the world by the tail.  You won't have to worry about the hormonal side effects of soy milk or genetically engineered cow's milk.  You won't have to worry about high glycemic, grossly processed wheat and ghost additives that are added to industrialized cereal.  And you will save a TON of money!

Click here to learn how to make our honey cluster granola cereal.  It's so good, it will blow you away!

Look at that deliciousness!

The cashew milk has to be stored in the refrigerator in order to maintain freshness.  Make sure you're using an airtight container!

Be sure to shake the milk before you drink it.

Love, The Healthy Diet Paradise

The health and diet information at The Healthy Diet Paradise has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and is for basic information purposes only. If you have any medical issues or concerns, please contact your health care provider.

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