5-6 Months In...

by Anthony

Hi Sheree,

Thank you for the info. You've put together a great resource.

I'm a 28 year old male, and have been on the diet for about 5-6 months. The first couple months I was only half doing it, I added many veggies and fish but continued to eat pasta, pizza and bread often.

I started to notice many fine hairs on my hairline, temples and above forehead. This gave me confidence to go all in.

I have a veggie garden so I'm getting a lot of day-fresh veggies.

Here's my diet.

fruit/spinach smoothie (4-5 spinach leaves, kale, oranges, berries, banana, passionfruit, apple, pineapple). I'll use a combination of these in a smoothie each morning and often again for desert after dinner. spinach is always fresh from the garden

handful of walnuts, or a nut mix

every second day I'll have 4 eggs with garden picked herbs, avo and onion, tomatoes.

homemade bread, very simple recipe oil, water, yeast, flour, salt. will use this for sandwiches, avo, lettuce, tomato, ham, onion, mayo.

snacks throughout the day: nut mix, walnuts, coffee.

quinoa salad with beans and veggies, stir fry's, pasture raised red meat or salmon, baked veggies from the garden (pumpkin, sweet potato, etc), salads with dinner most days.

I'd really appreciate your feedback. I'm thinking the small hairs I saw 4 months ago have gotten to be larger, but they are not the same as a thick hair yet. I keep my hair at a number 2 and am still seeing the same amount of scalp. Would appreciate any advice.

Thanks in advance,

Comments for 5-6 Months In...

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Aug 08, 2021
You're Doing Great! Congratulations!
by: Sheree

Hi Anthony,

You're doing great! Congratulations. I'm so excited for you.

Your diet is superb. I literally do not see any errors in your menu, other than possibly the home-made bread. Are you using traditional wheat, or gluten-free flour?

You can use einkorn wheat, which will not trigger a harmful reaction, because it's made with wheat that has not been hybridized. Jovial makes einkorn flour and you can order it on line. Or you can use almond flour, sorghum flour, teff or my favorite, which is chickpea flour.

Make sure you're drinking clean water that does not contain fluoride. Fluoride weakens and devastates the thyroid and is a heavy contributor to stunted hair growth. Clean water is 50 percent, and your diet is the other 50 percent.

I found out in 2018 that most governments around the world are dumping toxic fluoride waste into the water supply, and it's making us very sick.

Make sure you're getting foods rich in iodine, like seafood, eggs, nori, tuna, et cetera. Your thyroid needs iodine to produce hair.

Patience is key. Our bodily systems are superbly intelligent, and your system will soon produce the highly desirable terminal hairs.

It can take anywhere from 18 months and three years to see a full, complete hair line with full growth all over the scalp. Some men see results much sooner than that.

Don't forget to use a derma-roller three times a week to break up any scar tissue and to encourage full, thick growth all over the scalp. Derma-rollers only cost about six dollars and can be bought on line.

You're doing wonderful! Keep up the excellent work!



Oct 17, 2021
Nuts and seeds blender
by: Jordan

Hi Sheree
I follow hair loss diet very strict.Can i eat nuts and seeds mix on the blender because I have sensitive teeth??I worry about they loss nutrition facts if put them blender.

Dec 05, 2021
Nuts in a Blender
by: Sheree

Hi Jordan,

You can put nuts in a blender. Nuts won't raise your blood sugar if it's blended the way fruit does, so you'll be just fine.



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