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The Healthy Diet Paradise Newsletter, Issue #002
October 08, 2013

Hello everybody,

This newsletter is an update for our hair loss visitors. As you are probably already aware, The Healthy Diet Paradise has a large diet database. Since 99 percent of our inquiries are about hair loss, I've decided to devote the majority of my time to this subject.

This newsletter is to update you about gluten, wheat consumption and the hair loss diet. One of the most asked questions we get at The Healthy Diet Paradise is about bread. We had so many questions coming in about bread, we couldn't keep up. I finally wrote a page about how dangerous wheat is, and it pretty much solved a lot of questions about bread.

On our gluten allergy symptoms page, you learned about the huge impact wheat has on disease. Because of these disturbing findings, we advised our visitors to avoid wheat. I panicked and said that all gluten is not good for anybody.

I'm going to pull back the reigns on this concept a little bit, and here's why. There are foods from every area of the world that have gluten. But these are not GMO crops that are grown in mass production.

Remove All Wheat

We remove all wheat. Although wheat is not technically GMO, it's so severely hybridized and manipulated that it might as well be.

I've known for quite some time that wheat was deadly because of its impact on blood sugar. Dr. William Davis and Dr. Stephen Wangen confirmed this and take wheat-related diseases to a whole new level. Upon initial reading, it's frightening because we learned that our bodies do not recognize human manufactured foods.

Our bodies are unable to process GMO food. Although wheat is non GMO, the massive laboratory induced hybridization causes illness on a mass scale. And this leads to biological chaos and is creating disease worldwide.

So even though wheat comes out of the ground, because of scientific manipulation, it simply does not qualify as part of our hair loss diet.

There are grains that contain gluten, and are safe for people who do not have a gluten intolerance. For example, barley is one of Dr. Nicholas Perricone's top super foods. Barley has gluten.

Dr. Perricone explains that barley has been around since ancient Greek times, and that hulled barley is the preferred type. For individuals who do not have any problems with gluten, grains like barely are acceptable for the hair loss diet.

So many of our foods are touched by genetic modifications, so whenever possible, in particular with grains, always opt for non GMO. The cost is slightly higher, but you will have peace of mind.

Grains Should Not Make up the Majority of Your Diet

According to most experts, grains should not make up the majority of your diet. So as a general rule, if you are not gluten intolerant, your bread profile should consist of about four loaves of non wheat grains per year. This is just a general guideline.

Remember that the purpose of the hair loss diet is to consume foods as close to nature as possible. When we bend this critical rule, the outcome is uncertain, and will not sustain any hair loss reversal.

Change it up for Breakfast

Buckwheat is a top choice for breakfast. Buckwheat is another one of Dr. Perricone's top super foods, and it does not contain gluten. Read More About Buckwheat Here

Using oats for breakfast meals is very easy, and some are tempted to eat more than recommended for this very reason. During hair loss diet coaching, I always advise our participants to pull way back on the grains and aim for nutrient-dense foods. Healthy, gluten-free grains have their place, but they do not pack the drag down, knock-out 1-2 punch that eggs, black or blue fruit and nuts do.

Note: For breakfast, Dr. Nicholas Perricone also lists kefir and yogurt as super foods. Please remember that these foods should not contain sugars or rBGST. So you're going to look on the side of the carton and it should say, No funny business. We do not treat our cows with bovine growth hormones, or something like that.

When you're eating breakfast, make sure to keep your healthy grains down to twice a week, or less, and you'll experience much faster, thick hair growth.

How Does This Work?

For those of you that do not have a problem with gluten, you can add non GMO, low glycemic, gluten-containing grains back into your hair loss diet. We're just referring to wheat-generated gluten, which is in everything.

Remember to visit our Hair Loss Forum and keep us updated on your hair regrowth. We love hearing about your progress. Your success is our success.

Love, Sheree

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